Monday, August 27, 2012

Brangelina plan booze for wedding

Wedding plonk ... Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have chosen to serve wine from their own estate for upcoming nuptials

BRAD Pitt and Angelina Jolie have sorted one of the most important details of their upcoming nuptials – the booze.
Brad has hand-picked a collection of about seven different wines for the do at their French home in Provence.
He’s chosen a range of Bordeaux, Burgundy, Champagne and German wines – all of which are classics.
Included will be one of their own drops called Pink Floyd.
Brad called it that because part of the band’s famous album The Wall was recorded at Studio Miraval on their vast estate. A source said: “Guests shouldn’t be disappointed in his taste.
“He’s always had a keen interest in wine and after doing his wine steward’s course earlier this year, he’s pretty much a certified expert.
“Pink Floyd is one of their own wines from their Miraval estate.
“Brad’s cellar boasts some incredibly rare wines and rivals those of some of the best connoisseurs in Europe.”
Here’s the couple over the weekend in the coastal town of Le Touquet.
Not only do their specs shield their eyes from the glare of the cameras, they come in handy after a hefty session.

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