Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Christian Louboutin Heels be with fashion peer

Now,it’s the time for high heels to go geek. The best example is Christian Louboutin heels.

Why geeks become so popular for high heel industry in recent years? This is a big deal because for many years the fancy designers haven’t really recognized geeks as a niche of people who is worth catering to, and it’s neat to see that this is slowly changing. After all, we all know that someday geeks will inherit the earth, and now we can sport the same couture style as our non-geek friends, only with a geeky spin on it.

If you are a cosmo girl, you know that Christian Louboutin heels are famous for three things: 1) Being the hottest looking vans shoes ever made 2) Being the most uncomfortable shoes ever made 3) Being the most expensive shoes ever made.

Well, they aren’t the most expensive ones ever made, but they are up there. These shoes for example sell for $1,695. I’ve written about circuit board shoes before, but they weren’t the kind you could actually wear. These are definitely wearable.

They even created a matching handbag which sells for $1,595, and a man’s version of the same shoe which costs $1,295. I put pictures of both below. When I looked at these shoes for the first time, I instantly fell in love with them. There is just something about the way Christian Louboutin heels are shaped and refined that make them irresistible, even in pictures.

Even though the price is high but it’s really very hot. I guess that’s the point. These are definitely going on my Christmas list this year. The official name for these Christian Louboutin heels is Lady Peeps. Being a geek is getting more and sexier.

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